G-Codes Previews, Klipper and Octoprint Integration, User Accounts, and Garmin Watches

Jan. 18, 2024, midnight

If you’re managing and controlling your 3D printers online via Karmen, and have your buddy building plan in Garmin #smartwatches, you probably lose the “Steps badge”. 🙂

Thanks to Karmen you can save a lot of time, filament and nerves. You don’t need any SD cards, flash drives etc. Lately, in our development efforts, we’ve focused on improving user-friendliness and introducing new features that we’d like to share with you.

User Roles and Student Accounts

In one user-friendly interface, you can control and monitor all your 3D printers remotely. You can securely share them with colleagues or students, assigning different permission levels. This provides constant control over all your 3D printers, making them accessible to others.

If something goes wrong, Karmen will alert you.


G-Code Previews Before Printing

Before initiating the print, Karmen allows you to preview the sliced print file. We’ve recently added previews from multiple angles. This lets you verify that there are no missing supports, and they also make for great images to share.


The print queue is a given; we covered it in our autumn blog post.

Public Profiles

Karmen users have the option to share their G-Codes and time-lapse videos. This allows them to showcase their models to customers, colleagues, and everyone else.

We are currently working on further improvements and believe they will find applications not only in schools but also in coworks and hackerspaces.

Your public profile could be displayed here.

Klipper, Octoprint, binární g-cody

Karmen is an open solution that supports and communicates with other systems and applications. It works seamlessly with all common FDM printers and solutions like Octoprint or Klipper. It allows direct upload of print files from slicers and can handle binary G-Code formats in the new version of PRUSA Slicer 2.7.0.



Not sure about something or just want to share your experiences? Use our forum; we’re more than happy to help.

To wrap it up, we have good news for you. Recently, through communication with our very active user, we found out that he is 72 years. It’s another confirmation for us that our work brings utility and joy!

Have a great day,
Karmen Team