Pricing plans

Feel free to contact us to learn more about our developing pricing plans or discuss how Karmen can support your specific needs.

1. Free Access for All Users:

Currently, Karmen’s services are accessible to all users without any charges. Enjoy our platform without any fees as we are continually improving Karmen for an even better user experience.

2. Upcoming Complex Pricing Model:

Stay tuned for our ongoing work on a comprehensive pricing structure, which aims to provide a tailored experience based on your usage and needs.

Are you a hobby user? Feel free to stay on our freemium subscription plan, which we are planning to preserve for individuals in the future.

3. Early Adopters Subscription:

For our users who rely on Karmen’s services daily and operate more than two 3D printers, we offer a special ‘Early Adopter’ subscription. If you’re pleased with our solution and would like to support us, contact us for this exclusive opportunity.