SimplyPrint vs Karmen

Beside Prusa Connect , we also tested the Danish SimplyPrint . It’s a very similar solution, but most of the advanced features are behind a paywall in SimplyPrint.. You can find our comparison of both solutions in the free version below in the table.

Do you have experience with Karmen and SimplyPrint? We would appreciate your feedback on our forum .

  SimplyPrint Karmen
Multiple users (Collaborators) 🚫 βœ…
Unlimited data storage 🚫 βœ…
Unlimited Number of Connected Printers 🚫 βœ…
Plug-and-Play Device for 3D Printers Connection 🚫 βœ…
Unlimited Prints βœ… βœ…
Remote Access βœ… βœ…
Online Connection with Slicer βœ… βœ…
Print Queue 🚫 βœ…
Live Image Streaming βœ… βœ…
Notifications 🚫 βœ…
Print History βœ… βœ…
Remote Print Start βœ… βœ…
Support for Multiple Printer Manufacturers βœ… βœ…
Statistics 🚫 in progress
Open API 🚫 βœ…
Preview Images from Multiple Angles 🚫 βœ…
"PWA" (Installable Web App) βœ… βœ…
Firmware & Gateway Support
OctoPrint Support βœ… βœ…
Moonraker Support βœ… βœ…
Mainsail Support βœ… βœ…
Fluidd Support βœ… βœ…
Klipper Support βœ… βœ…
Support for Custom Solutions βœ… βœ